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Tagged: survey


Survey on rare materials cataloguing with RDA

In the last years an increasing number of libraries are adopting RDA as a cataloguing standard. Still, what happens to their rare materials? Is RDA fit for the description of their rare books, their manuscripts, their graphic and cartographic materials, their music? Will it be able to overtake extremely detailed rules such as DCRM or ISBD? Probably not by itself, although the RSC, aware of the complexity of the situation, already has a Rare Materials Working Group managing some of the points where RDA collides with the needs of the description of rare materials. But it could very well accomplish...


Helping the profession to define new standards for preservation

In August 2016, IFLA launched the survey on standards, guidelines, and best practises for the preservation and conservation of library materials. Why are we doing this? In the IFLA Strategic Plan, it states that IFLA will help with developing standards for the collection and preservation of content in its diverse forms.  In order to start this task, we have created a survey which will give us an overview of what standards, guidelines, and best practises are currently used by the profession when it comes to preservation and conservation or any materials held in libraries. The aim of the survey is...