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Tagged: RDA


Survey on rare materials cataloguing with RDA

In the last years an increasing number of libraries are adopting RDA as a cataloguing standard. Still, what happens to their rare materials? Is RDA fit for the description of their rare books, their manuscripts, their graphic and cartographic materials, their music? Will it be able to overtake extremely detailed rules such as DCRM or ISBD? Probably not by itself, although the RSC, aware of the complexity of the situation, already has a Rare Materials Working Group managing some of the points where RDA collides with the needs of the description of rare materials. But it could very well accomplish...


Towards the new RDA Toolkit: RSC meeting in Madrid

The RDA Steering Committee convened last week in Madrid, at the National Library of Spain, in the context of its 3R Project (RDA Toolkit Restructure and Redesign Project). Along with the closed business meetings, the institution hosted two open sessions. In the first, “Towards the new RDA Toolkit”, RSC members explained the recent restructure of the tool and discussed topics of interest such as serials, aggregates, the development of attributes as relations and types of description. The new Toolkit will be a much more helpful tool for the cataloguer, as it allows each institution to display its policy statements together...


RDA & Rare Materials Seminar, Edinburgh, 6th November

CIG Scotland is delighted to host an international seminar on RDA & Rare Materials, in conjunction with members of the Association of College & Research Libraries’ Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (RBMS), the European RDA Interest Group (EURIG), the CILIP Rare Books and Special Collections Group (RBSCG), the CILIP Cataloguing & Indexing Group (CIG), IFLA and JSC This seminar has been organised in association with the meeting of the Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA, which meets at the National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh on 2-6 November 2015 Seminar details Date: Friday 6th November Time: 10.00-16:00 Venue: Edinburgh Centre for...