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Monthly Archive: September 2017


Report from the CILIP Rare Books and Special Collections Group annual conference, 2017

The Rare Books and Special Collections Group Conference 2017, hosted at the picturesque University of Sussex, had ‘Collections at Risk’ as its theme. Over the course of the three-day conference we heard talks from people working in a variety of roles who approach rare books and special collections from very different angles but who all had one thing in common: a desire to ensure the long-term survival of heritage items. It was interesting to hear the perspectives of librarians whose interest in preserving collections is clear, but also from people working in the book-trade who have a genuine desire to...


WLIC 2017- Managing Digital Estates: Challenges for the National & University Library Strasbourg – Frédéric Blin

On July 5th, 2017, during the annual conference of LIBER, the European League of European Libraries, the Consortium for European Libraries (CERL) and the LIBER Digital Cultural Heritage Forum organised a workshop entitled: “Managing bequests & Digital Estates: New Challenges for Libraries”. Frédéric Blin, Director for Heritage Collections and Preservation at the National and University Library Strasbourg (France), who co-organised this event, presented the results of the workshop during the last session of the Rare Books and Special Collections section at the WLIC in Wroclaw on August 23rd. His paper is available on the IFLA Library: All présentations are...


La librería secreta de Luis de Usoz (1805-1865): últimos días

En el año 1873, durante la Primera República Española, María Sandalia del Acebal y Arratia donaba a la Biblioteca Nacional la que había sido la biblioteca de su marido, Luis de Usoz y Río, y con ella la mayor colección de obras relativas a reformistas y heterodoxos españoles que se conserva en España. Luis de Usoz, filólogo, erudito, editor y bibliófilo, reunió hasta su muerte obras no solamente de contenido religioso (algunas de las cuales seguían estando prohibidas en España), sino también de índole filológica. Con la ayuda del hispanista inglés Benjamin Wiffen, que actuó como su agente en Europa,...