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Category: Training

What is the state of Collection Security in your library? 0

What is the state of Collection Security in your library?

The Consortium of European Research Libraries (CERL) is working to help its member libraries and other organisations that curate cultural heritage collections to answer precisely that question. As a membership organisation, CERL aims to facilitate, enhance, and improve the use and impact of printed and manuscript cultural heritage material. CERL raises the awareness of cultural heritage collections and their content among scholars and interested parties worldwide. CERL is service and partnership oriented by offering its members and the library, archival, and scholarly world at large high quality digital resources and tools using modern technology, by arranging seminars and workshops, and...


2017 RBMS Conference: The Stories We Tell

We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for the 2017 RBMS Conference taking place this June in Iowa City, IA. Scholarships are also available, with an application deadline of March 31. The Stories We Tell focuses on storytelling as practice and metaphor in the mission and daily work of special collections. From writing traditional scholarly monographs to encoding digital humanities landscapes, from building deep and inclusive collections to designing new curricula, the ability to craft a compelling narrative is at the heart of cultural heritage work. Donors honor us with the stories of their lives and passions....


Training on preserving photographs at the National Library of Kingkdom of Morocco

  A second round of advanced Environment and exhibition of photographs workshop is taking place from 10th to 21st october 2016 at the Bibliothèque Nationale du Royaume du Maroc in Rabat, as part of MEPPI program (Middle East Photograph Preservation Initiative), which is a collaboration benefitting from the contributions of many organizations and individuals. This workshop in particular, is the result of the efforts and commitment of the following institutions: The Arab Image Foundation, the Art Conservation Department at the University of Delaware, The Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Getty Conservation Institute. The Middle East Photograph Preservation Initiative is made possible through a generous grant from the Andrew W....


Autumn courses at Rare Books School (Virginia, USA)

This fall, Rare Book School will offer three courses that may be of interest to members of the IFLA Rare & Special community. — Special Collections Librarianship aims to teach the current issues, best practices, organizational development, knowledge and skills surrounding special collections librarianship. Taught by Michael Inman, Curator of Rare Books for the New York Public Library, at the main branch of NYPL, this course is a must-take for early-career professionals interested in special collections and for those who have not taken formal special collections coursework. (The full course description and advance reading list can be found at


Disaster Management Conference (Library of Alexandria) / (تخطيط إدارة الكوارث (مكتبة الإسكندرية

تستضيف مكتبة الإسكندرية مؤتمرًا عن تخطيط إدارة الكوارث في 23 و24 أكتوبر 2016م في المسرح الصغير بمركز مؤتمرات، مكتبة الإسكندرية. يُعقد هذا المؤتمر تحت شعار «تراثنا المعرض للخطر: التحديات وكيفية التعامل معها» مع التركيز بشكل خاص على إدارة الكوارث والتراث الثقافي في الوطن العربي. ستتطرق جلسات هذا المؤتمر للقضايا الرئيسية المتعلقة بطرق وتقنيات حماية التراث الثقافي والتخفيف من حدة المخاطر والحدّ من وقوع المزيد من الخسائر بالإضافة إلى الحفظ الرقمي، وسيكون من ضمن المتحدثين أشخاصًا عاشوا تجربة فقدان التراث الثقافي الناجم عن الكوارث الطبيعية أو الحروب. سيناقش المؤتمر أيضًا أفضل الممارسات المُتبعة في التصدي لمثل هذه الكوارث، وسيشارك متحدثون من...


Report from the IFLA Asia PAC Centre – Conservation activities using washi

This is the first of an ongoing series of reports from the IFLA Preservation and Conservation (PAC) Centres regarding their activities and future work in their regions.  The National Diet Library of Japan (NDL) was designated the IFLA/PAC Regional Centre for Asia (PAC Asia) in 1989. PAC Asia was established in order to enhance awareness throughout Asia of the importance of preservation and conservation activities by distributing information, organizing training programs, and conducting other forms of research. Given that Asia is a vast area with a great variety of languages, cultures, and climates, PAC Asia’s task is no simple one, but...


Library of Alexandria’s conservation and preservation training programmes for the Ministry of Antiquities

In the past four years, the smuggling of ancient monuments to outside Egypt has increased dramatically leading to the loss of a huge amount of historical cultural belongings of all types. One of the cultural materials that is less studied and known to archaeologists working at the customs points is paper materials, either printed books or written manuscripts; that is what the Manuscript Museum department of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina can help with. One of the aspects of cooperation between Bibliotheca Alexandrina and the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities was a one year training program that took place from June 2014 to...


Le domaine de la Bibliothéconomie au Maroc: état actuel des choses

Ecole des sciences de l’information à Rabat L’Ecole des sciences de l’information (ESI) est une école étatique marocaine, créée en 1975, assurant la formation de bibliothécaires et d’archivistes. L’ESI a procédé à une réforme globale appliquée à la rentrée 2012-2013 conformément au décret n°2-10-222du 20 Mai 2011. Selon cette réforme, l’accès à l’école est conditionné par le passage par des classes préparatoires. La formation académique, continue et la recherche sont structurées autour de quatre filières principales : Bibliothéconomie et documentation ; Archivistique et records management ; Management et Ingénierie des systèmes d’information ; Veille stratégique et intelligence compétitive. A l’issue...


“Picking Up the Pieces”: 8th Annual Lawrence J. Schoenberg Symposium on Manuscript Studies in the Digital Age

Picking up the pieces In partnership with the Rare Book Department of the Free Library of Philadelphia, the Schoenberg Institute of Manuscript Studies (SIMS) at the University of Pennsylvania Libraries is pleased to announce the 8th Annual Lawrence J. Schoenberg Symposium on Manuscript Studies in the Digital Age. This year’s theme, “Picking up the Pieces,” considers the notions and consequences of fragmentation and reconstitution. When books are broken up, collections dispersed, or a society’s intellectual heritage is fragmented by time, nature, and human interventions, the act of piecing together the remains can lead to surprising insights about how and why...


RDA & Rare Materials Seminar, Edinburgh, 6th November

CIG Scotland is delighted to host an international seminar on RDA & Rare Materials, in conjunction with members of the Association of College & Research Libraries’ Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (RBMS), the European RDA Interest Group (EURIG), the CILIP Rare Books and Special Collections Group (RBSCG), the CILIP Cataloguing & Indexing Group (CIG), IFLA and JSC This seminar has been organised in association with the meeting of the Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA, which meets at the National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh on 2-6 November 2015 Seminar details Date: Friday 6th November Time: 10.00-16:00 Venue: Edinburgh Centre for...