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Category: General

What is the state of Collection Security in your library? 0

What is the state of Collection Security in your library?

The Consortium of European Research Libraries (CERL) is working to help its member libraries and other organisations that curate cultural heritage collections to answer precisely that question. As a membership organisation, CERL aims to facilitate, enhance, and improve the use and impact of printed and manuscript cultural heritage material. CERL raises the awareness of cultural heritage collections and their content among scholars and interested parties worldwide. CERL is service and partnership oriented by offering its members and the library, archival, and scholarly world at large high quality digital resources and tools using modern technology, by arranging seminars and workshops, and...

Why not join us as a committee member? 0

Why not join us as a committee member?

IFLA has announced its Call for Nominations for Section Standing Committees August 2019 – August 2023 is now open. This call outlines what is expected of committee members in general. If you are interested in standing for a position, or in nominating someone, please read through these and make sure that you or the nominee can commit to the time, the travel and the activity involved. There is more information in the IFLA webpages for committee members. Please note that this year’s nomination and election process takes place earlier than normal, with the completed nomination to be received by IFLA...



JORNADA “O TRÁFICO ILÍCITO DO PATRIMÔNIO BIBLIOGRÁFICO NA AMÉRICA LATINA E CARIBE” Organiza: Fundación Biblioteca Nacional del Brasil & IFLA Rare Books and Special Collections Section Está abierta la convocatoria de trabajos a ser presentados durante la II Jornada IFLA El tráfico ilícito del patrimonio bibliográfico en América Latina y el Caribe a realizarse el 28 de noviembre de 2018, en la Biblioteca Nacional del Brasil – Auditorio Machado de Assis – en la ciudad de Río de Janeiro. De acuerdo con IFLA Cultural Heritage Programme Advisory Committee, el patrimonio cultural consiste en bienes tangibles e intangibles, naturales y culturales,...


The Société bibliographique de France: A new organisation for promoting the history of the book in the French world

Over the past few decades book history has been something of an outsider in the French intellectual world. Whilst in Anglophone countries the discipline thrived, in France the subject was increasingly marginalised. Elsewhere in academia, numerous student programs, research centres and well-funded projects have been founded and developed into being a well-respected part of the university landscape. Well-established groups such as the Bibliographical Society in London, or IFLA itself, along with large international organisations like SHARP (Society for the History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing) have steadily grown in stature. Libraries have also recognised the interest in their rare books...



With the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights’ (SCCR) thirty-fourth session at World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) approaching, we would be very grateful if we could draw on the Rare Books and Special Collections Section’s experience in order to strengthen our arguments. We need, as ever, to maintain the pressure for an international instrument which will not only keep up the pressure for copyright reform nationally, but will also allow libraries to operate internationally. The more we can present national delegates with evidence from their own countries, the more likely we are to convince them.  IFLA’s work at WIPO...


Report from the IFLA Library of Congress Regional PAC Center

The Library of Congress (LOC) has been an IFLA/Preservation and Conservation (PAC) Center for many years, and has changed its focus during that time.   When the PAC produced the International Preservation News, (IPN) the LOC took responsibility for mailing the paper copies within North America.  When the publication ceased the LOC provided digital files of all the issues for the IFLA website to assure the availability of the valuable information that had been produced.  All issues are available for download from the IFLA website at Today the  LOC PAC Center focuses on providing resources through webpages and through broadcasting...


Helping the profession to define new standards for preservation

In August 2016, IFLA launched the survey on standards, guidelines, and best practises for the preservation and conservation of library materials. Why are we doing this? In the IFLA Strategic Plan, it states that IFLA will help with developing standards for the collection and preservation of content in its diverse forms.  In order to start this task, we have created a survey which will give us an overview of what standards, guidelines, and best practises are currently used by the profession when it comes to preservation and conservation or any materials held in libraries. The aim of the survey is...


Report from the IFLA Asia PAC Centre – Conservation activities using washi

This is the first of an ongoing series of reports from the IFLA Preservation and Conservation (PAC) Centres regarding their activities and future work in their regions.  The National Diet Library of Japan (NDL) was designated the IFLA/PAC Regional Centre for Asia (PAC Asia) in 1989. PAC Asia was established in order to enhance awareness throughout Asia of the importance of preservation and conservation activities by distributing information, organizing training programs, and conducting other forms of research. Given that Asia is a vast area with a great variety of languages, cultures, and climates, PAC Asia’s task is no simple one, but...


For tomorrow and the future – Libraries safeguarding documentary cultural heritage

Throughout the centuries, libraries have been essential for the preservation, conservation and safeguarding of the worlds’ heritage. The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) upholds the mission and we made this one of our core aims. Culture is a basic need.  A community thrives through its cultural heritage, it dies without it. IFLA, preservation, conservation and safeguarding of heritage At IFLA, we work with our members and our extensive preservation and conservation network on many different aspects of safeguarding documentary cultural heritage for the next generation. We engage in issues around digital preservation with the UNESCO PERSIST Project,...


Rare and Special

  The blog will act as a dynamic news resource for the international community of rare book, manuscript, archival and special collections; open to contribution from all working within the sector and edited by the IFLA Rare Book and Special Collections Standing Committee.